Bad Advice

You should stop following.

Dawn Gernhardt
4 min readAug 21, 2021


People hatch similar ideas without contact in unison — simultaneous inventions, hive mind, collective consciousness, and zeitgeist. Moore’s Law explained how innovation builds over time and Lemley’s “The Myth of the Sole Inventor” considered creativity to exist atmospherically with availability to all.

The phenomenon happens in every field. From artistic expression to scientific discovery, sparks fly and burn everywhere. The first to market typically gains the most success. And some discoveries were initially considered absurd but later gained acceptance. Lightbulbs were deemed ridiculous and airplanes categorized as toys. As long as people create, there will be like-minded competitors and critics.

My industry is writing.

We writers are crafty, sometimes paranoid, and usually hardworking, imaginative, and sensitive souls. Creatives need other people to help us grow and learn. Sometimes we trade reciprocally in workshops through the exchange of feedback. Other times writers invest in professional help and guidance. A lifetime process of mastery with many routes.

In a master’s creative writing program, the director assigned us to advisors. We also shared our work with other student writers and professors. My thesis goal included authoring a novel. I invented a character who wrote…



Dawn Gernhardt

Writer & Editor querying and drafting. In Midstory, Author, Random Sample, and Pink Panther magazines, & Defenestration, Wry Times, Funny-ish, & The Haven.