I Let a Magic Eight Ball Run My Life — WryTimes

Dawn Gernhardt
4 min readJun 20, 2021
Upslash free image by Dollar Gill

After a lifetime of mistakes, I let my Magic Eight Ball (MEB) decide. For a week, I gave tricky choices and options to the great ball of destiny.

Situation: The weather report lets me down. Forecast: Light showers. I could glance out my open window where a dreamcatcher is blowing something fierce but I trust your opinion more.
Should I wear rain boots?
A: Very Doubtful.
Result: MEB, thank you for your guidance. The wet weather turned into a nor’easter and as you said, my waterproof shoes weren’t enough to stay dry.

Situation: My sister demands a response to her wedding invitation: chicken, fish, or beef? I’m allergic to everything with a mouth. Without a +1 to help me choose, I asked my rabbi, sangha, priest, and shaman but they all disagreed.
Help, what should I eat at the reception?
A: Concentrate and Ask Again.
Result: You’re a genius, round oracle of my spirit. I squeezed my eyes shut, took a deep breath, then texted my sister about the caterer. It’s a seafood restaurant so I’ll get the fish. Thank you! xoxo.

Situation: The Zoltar genie at the carnival predicted my future. The card read, “You’ll find hidden riches.”
Q: Should I play lotto or ask…



Dawn Gernhardt

Writer & Editor--currently querying and writing. Nonfiction: Author, Random Sample, & Pink Panther Mag. Fiction: Defenestration, Wry Times, Funny-ish, & Haven.